Adding One-Off Charge

You can add additional charges to a booking by doing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the back office, navigate to the bookings Module, and click on the booking reference of a booking.

  1. This will open the booking details page. Scroll down to the Billing Details Section. click on the '+ Add Charge' button to open an Add-One-Off Charge Modal.

  1. Click the 'Item to Charge' dropdown and select the option. Select Immediate or Scheduled Charge in the amount field, and click the 'Charge' button to proceed.

  1. Click OK on the Confirmation Modal, and a toast notification will appear at the bottom of the screen confirming that the charge has been added to the Billing Details.

  1. A confirmation message appears on the modal and at the bottom of the screen confirming that the one off charge has been added.

We can see the one off charge being added to the Billing Details of the customer booking page.

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