How to Begin and End a Booking

The Logistics Module allows a back-office user to Begin or End bookings. This module has two tabs: 'Begin' shows approved bookings that are yet to begin/start, while 'End' shows In-progress bookings that are to end.

To begin or end a booking using the Logistics Module, follow the steps below:

  1. Log in to the back office and navigate to the Logistics Module. We are in the 'Begin' Tab by default.

  1. To start a booking, choose it in the Begin Tab and click the two-arrow (handover) button.

  1. Fill out the Vehicle Handover form and click 'Submit'.

  1. The confirmation modal acknowledges that the booking handover form has been submitted.

If the back officer user wants to end the booking, the same steps apply to the 'End' tab.

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