Creating a virtual asset

To create a virtual asset, please go through the following steps :

  1. Login to the back office, go to the Assets Module. By default, we are on the virtual asset Tab.

  1. Click on the '+ Add New' button on the top Panel

  1. Pick the button for Virtual asset, complete the details of the Virtual Asset and Click 'Save'

  1. Add asset properties by clicking '+Add New' to open a list of asset properties.

  1. Choose an asset property, enter its value, and click the 'Add' button to include the asset property in the asset.

  1. Click on the 'Next' button after adding asset properties to your asset.

  1. Add the pricing of the asset by clicking the eye button to enable and edit the pricing field.

Click Next after editing the pricing detail.

  1. You can click the check box to add the asset to the fleet if there is a tenant or click 'Skip' to progress.

  1. The confirmation Modal opens seeking confirmation of creating the asset. Click 'OK' to confirm

  1. We get the message that the Asset has been added successfully.

Please reach out to support to add images to your virtual asset.

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