Edit and Reapprove an Approved Booking

Edit the booking dates, choose a new physical asset, and add promo codes. After making changes, you can choose to send the contract to the customer when re-approving the booking.

The following are the steps to change a booking start date:

  1. Go to the Booking Module, pick a booking in the 'Approved' tab and Click the 'Take Action' button against that booking.
Test data is used in all screenshots.

  1. Click the 'Edit' option from the dropdown.

  1. The Re-approve Booking Modal opens. Edit the dates by clicking the start date/time option. Then, pick a Date from the calendar pop-up. You have to select the asset again, even if you're not editing the asset.

  1. When a new date is selected, a blue circle appears around it. Adjust the time, pick the same asset from the asset list and click the 'Re-approve' button.

  1. The updated booking start date has been overwritten in the Re-approve Modal. To exit the Modal, click the 'Close' button.

When Re-approving a booking, the back officer user can also do the following:

  • Add another asset to the booking or still select the chosen vehicle.
  • Uncheck the box to send a new contract or leave it checked to send a new contract.

Article by Roshel Jose

Please note:

  1. The JRNY platform is constantly evolving and new features and functionalities are added all the time. We are constantly updating the Knowledge Base, but some instructions and/or images you see in these articles may vary slightly from what you can see in your own environment. Get in touch with support@tomorrowsjourney.co.uk when in doubt.
  2. Some features and functionalities may require configurations or additional development to work in your environment. Please speak to us if you have any questions.
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