Creating a New Customer

This article provides a step-by-step guide on onboarding a new customer using the Back Office.

  1. Log in to the Back Office platform, navigate to the left Panel, and Click on the 'Customer' Module.

Understanding the Customer Page: When accessing the Customer Page, There is a toggle to switch between "Accounts" and "Drivers."

    1. Accounts Toggle: This displays customer accounts. Note that one account can have multiple associated drivers.
    2. Drivers Toggle: Toggling to "Drivers" shows a complete list of drivers across all accounts, offering an overview of the entire driver base connected to your service.

2. Click the Accounts Toggle and then the + Add New button on the top to open the customer registration form.

  1. Please check the box to include the customer as a primary driver and complete the form. Then click 'Save Customer' to register.

  1. A toast notification at the bottom of the screen and a green notification on the modal confirm that the new customer has been created.

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