How to Add Pricing to an Asset

You can add pricing to an asset by doing the following steps:

  1. Log in to the back office and go to the Virtual Assets in the Assets Module.

  1. Pick the asset whose pricing you want to add; click the view (eye icon) button.

  1. Click on Pricing on the left Panel to access the Asset Pricing section. Click on the "Add New" button to open the pricing modal.

  1. Select "Consumer-Default" from the dropdown menu. Once selected, the "Add" button will become active. Proceed by clicking on the button.

  1. The green confirmation message appears at the bottom of the Modal, confirming that the price matrix has been added.

  1. Close the Modal by clicking anywhere outside it.

  1. Add mileage and prices in the price matrix table. To enter the price for duration and mileage, click the eye icon and turn the yellow/ orange field white.

  1. Click Save to register changes to the asset. The confirmation modal will appear on the screen; click OK to confirm changes.

  1. A toast notification at the bottom confirms the changes in the pricing table.

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