Understanding the Swim Lane View

There are two hierarchies/ views in the Booking Module:

  1. List View
  2. Swim Lane View

The Booking Module opens to the List View by default, where you see the Tabs such as Requested, Approved, In progress, Ended and All.

The Swimlane view gives a granular view with additional sub-statuses, which can vary for clients.

This article illustrates the Booking Module using the Swim Lane View

The swim lane view is an alternate way to view and modify the statuses of various bookings.

  1. Go to the Bookings Module and click the flowchart symbol to get the swim lane view.

  1. Clicking this symbol will convert the booking module into the Swim Lane view, which differs from the List view we used in several articles.

  1. The swimlane types vary based on your custom booking workflow. Please take a look at one standard example below.

To understand the application of the Swim Lane view, you can use the search field to select any booking from the Swim Lane view.

  • Upon clicking this booking request, it is under the Placed Tab; the option to Approve the booking appears in the dropdown.

  • Upon approval, the booking will remain in the 'Placed' swimlane, but when switching to the List View, it has moved to the Approved tab.

Similarly, the same dropdowns to begin the booking, end the booking, etc., as seen in the List View, would appear in various swimlanes upon clicking the booking in the Swimlane View.

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