Send update payment link to the customer

This article allows the back-office user to let the customer update their preferred mode of payment.

Customers can update their card details in two ways:

  1. By logging in to their customer account and clicking "Update Payment Details":

    Test data is used in all screenshots.
  2. By following a link sent to their email which an Ops user has triggered from JRNY Ops. See steps below:

  1. Go to the Ledger Module and click on the 'Accounts' Tab

  1. Choose the Customer account and click the menu button.

  1. Click 'Send Update Payment Method Link' from the dropdown.

  1. The green toast notification appears at the bottom and in the Modal to confirm that the link has been sent to the customer.

Through the Payments Module

  1. Go to the Payments module and click on the 'Failed Payments' feature.

  1. Choose the transaction and click the Action button.

  1. Choose 'Send Update Payment Link' from the dropdown.

  1. A toast notification appears at the bottom of the screen to confirm this action.

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