Ledger Hierachy: Transaction Level

The Ledger Module gives back-office users a comprehensive overview of payments received and charges levied against customers.

It comprises three levels:

  1. Accounts
  2. Bookings
  3. Transactions

In the Transactions view you can view individual bills, payments received, refunds, etc. The following can be performed at this level:

    1. Download invoices
    2. Send invoices to customers
    3. Cancel bills
    4. Send payment link (upcoming)

Download Invoices

Most clients will have automatic invoices set-up, but you also have an option to download the invoice from JRNY Ops.

  1. Go to the Ledger Module and click the Transaction Tab:
Test data is used in all screenshots.
  1. Choose a transaction to download and click the menu button.

  1. Click on the 'Download Invoice' button from the dropdown.

  1. The invoice will open in a PDF.

Send invoices to customers

Invoices are usually sent automatically, but you also have an option to send these manually.

  1. Go to the Ledger module and click the Transactions tab:

  1. Choose a transaction to download and click the menu button.

  1. Click on the 'Send invoice' button.

  1. Click 'OK' on the confirmation Modal.

  1. A green toast notification will appear at the bottom of the screen.

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