Ledger Hierachy: Account Level

This article is for environments that have enabled the Ledger Module. If you're interested in setting this up in your back office, please get in touch with the Product Team.

The Ledger Module gives back-office users a comprehensive overview of payments received and charges levied against customers.

It comprises three levels:

  1. Accounts
  2. Bookings
  3. Transactions

In the Accounts view, the back office user can conveniently review payments due and received from various customer accounts. They can perform the following actions in this view:

    1. Add Offline Payment: record offline payments received.
    2. Send update payment method links to customers: Sends a link to the customer to change their card details.

Furthermore, an alternate way to view payments due and received from the customer is by viewing their Customer Account. The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to the Ledger Module and Click on the Accounts Tab

  1. Click on the customer name. This will redirect you to their Customer Account Page.

  1. Scroll down until you reach the 'Activity' section, and click on the Ledger Tab.

  1. The transactions of the customer can be viewed here:

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