Cancelling Bills

There are many reasons why you may want to cancel a bill. These may include:

  • A bill was raised in error and no payment will be taken
  • A refund has been issued to the customer

Cancelling the bill balances the booking and/or account as a refund or non-payment would leave these in arrears. Records of the bill remain in Ledger, but it is marked as "(Cancelled)"

The steps are as follows:

  1. Go to the Ledger Module and click on the 'Transactions' tab.
Test data is used in all screenshots.
  1. Click on the "Cancel Bill" option after clicking the three-dotted button against the transaction to be cancelled.

  1. Click OK on the confirmation Modal

  1. A toast notification appears at the bottom, and the corresponding credit entry is seen to balance the debit transaction. Please note that this does not issue a refund or automatically send the credit note to the customer. If you also need to issue a refund you can do this separately.

  1. Click the menu button and 'Download Credit Note'. This will issue to credit invoice to the customer.

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