Creating an Asset specific Optional Extra

The steps to create an Asset specific optional extra are as follows:

  1. Go to the Settings Module and click on the Charge Item

  1. Click on the '+ Add New ' option on the top panel.

  1. Fill out the details of the Extra Option Modal


a. To create An asset-specific optional extra, choose 'Asset' from the Type Dropdown.

b. Choose 'All' from the Category dropdown.

c. Leave External Tax Code and External Product Code as is.

d. Mandatory Checkbox: Keep this unchecked. When the customer makes a booking on the website, checking this box will make it a mandatory charge rather than an optional extra in the Billing Summary.

  1. Click the 'Save' button.

  1. We get the green toast notification at the bottom of the modal.

The asset-specific optional extra has been created. Every asset in the back office will have a Spare tyre Optional extra, and its price can be adjusted.

Editing Asset specific optional extra

  1. Go to the Assets Module and choose a Virtual asset under the Virtual Asset Tab.

  1. Click the view (eye) icon to view the Virtual asset, then click the 'Pricing' submodule on the left panel.

  1. Scroll down to the Optional Extras and see the 'Spare tyre' extra option at the bottom.

  1. The spare tyre price is currently set at the back office, but the back officer can override this by clicking the eye icon to enable editing of the custom spare tyre price for this asset.

Note: The Mandatory toggle cannot be enabled here as it was unchecked when the extra option was created (refer to the notes in Step 3)

  1. Edit the Nett and Gross Price and click the 'Save' button.

  1. The asset-specific extra option moves up the list of Optional Extras, and a green toast notification appears at the bottom, confirming the price change.

Article by Roshel Jose

Please note:

  1. The JRNY platform is constantly evolving and new features and functionalities are added all the time. We are constantly updating the Knowledge Base, but some instructions and/or images you see in these articles may vary slightly from what you can see in your own environment. Get in touch with when in doubt.
  2. Some features and functionalities may require configurations or additional development to work in your environment. Please speak to us if you have any questions.
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