Recurring Subscription Payments

Recurring subscription payments are charged for as long as a booking exists in the "In Progress" Ops status. The customer will not be charged in any other Ops status - for example, once you've off-hired the vehicle, the system will know to not continue charging the customer on the anniversary date.

  1. A bill is automatically generated on the anniversary/start date of a booking, and the invoice is sent to the customer on the same date
  2. Your payment provider will send a request for payment from the customer's bank.
  3. The bank will then release the funds from the customer's bank account and the payment will be logged in Ledger.
  4. Due to this process, recurring payments can take up to 24 hours to appear during business hours - this is dependent on your 3rd party payment provider and is not a system delay.
  5. Payments are usually processed sooner, but if a bill is raised on a Thursday or Friday, payments may not appear before the beginning of the following week.

    Test data is used in all screenshots.

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