Early End a Booking

The Early End Function involves:

  1. Changing the end date to an earlier date.
  2. No price, duration, or mileage changes
  3. No contract sent to the customers
  4. It has a 'Returning' Ops status to mark the asset's status, if applicable.

Here are the steps to early end a booking:

  1. Click the 'Bookings' module, go to 'In Progress' from the bookings tab and choose a booking to be early ended.

  1. Click the 'Take Action' drop-down on the right-hand side and choose 'Early End':

  1. Select an earlier end date. If applicable, change the Ops Status to 'Returning'. Then click the 'Save' button.

  1. Go to the Booking module and the In Progress tab to see the booking with an earlier end date.

It is important to note that this must be done before carrying out an Exchange Asset for the same customer.

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